Thursday, July 25, 2013

New Shaun T's Focus T25 Challenge Group Starting Soon!

T25 has far surpassed my already high expectations of what Shaun T brings to the table!  After completing P90X and ready to switch it up this has completely matched my needs.  I mean, 25 minutes a day, 5 days a week, who can't find time for that?!?  In my mind, he is a sheer "GENIUS".  I tell myself this every time I am doing the workout as I watch the descending clock tick!

This workout is ideal for anyone that is crunched on time!  This would have been my "dream workout" when I was working in Corporate America to do only 25 minutes a day before work.  No brainer!  Also, since I have traveled many days on the road in my pre mommy career, I can say that this workout is the perfect workout to pack and take on the road with you.  It can easily be done in a hotel room or hotel gym.  All you need is a laptop!

Currently as a stay at home mom of 2 very busy boys and business owner time is limited in my world and this has been a huge blessing!  I can fit it in before my little ones wake up or if they wake up my 3 year old likes to join in!  Outside of my facebook accountability group he is my at home accountability.  He likes to tell me how it's done.  "No, mommy, he is still doing it, don't stop"  HA! 

That brings me to my favorite part about T25 right now.  My team of Coaches and I have such an incredible accountability support group on Facebook with 60 + T25 Challengers that have been doing an incredible job for the last 3 weeks.  Although the "official" check on progress isn't until they complete the Alpha Phase (25 days) they have been so excited to share with me and the group the many number of LB's lost and how different they feel and look, even as early as Week 1!  I can't wait to see Week 5 Results which is just a few short weeks away. 

The greatest thing as a Coach is to be able to see the joy in other peoples changed lives.  One of our challengers who is a mom is currently doing T25 with her main goal to be in the best health and shape of her life because she is doing it for her son's life.  Her 18 year old son needs a kidney transplant and currently she is a match, but to ensure there is no reason she can be rejected by the numerous amounts of testing she needs to go through she chose to take her health into her own hands. T25 is helping her do that.  She is an inspiration to me and to the rest of the group that there are no excuses in life and that if you want to make a change and achieve something only you can do it. She and her son are a reminder in life that it is a gift and a blessing that should never be taken for granted.  I am honored to be a part of her journey and so thankful for my sister and fellow Coach, Joanne Hurley that made it possible for her to be a part of this group.

So, what happens in this accountability group?  Everyone is a huge support to each other and the Coaches are there to support also.  The Coaches are watching and looking to make sure you posted that you did your workout.  Yes, we stalk you if you didn't!  We are there to answer questions and ensure that you have everything you need to be successful in completing this program and helping you achieve your desired fitness and nutrition goals.

So, check out the Shaun T Focus T25 Video and let me know when you are ready to focus and commit!  Now is the time because it's on sale until July 31st, 2013!  Don't miss out on the change you have been waiting for.  The only thing standing between you and your change is your mind!  Kick it into gear and let's go! 

Please also check out "Prayers for Justin" on Facebook. Our team is praying for them and we would appreciate any additional support and prayers for them!  Click here for Prayers for Justin

Shaun T Focus T25 Challenge Trailer


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