Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Starting Over….

Starting over is probably one of the hardest things for most any of us to do.  This last year and a half has been nothing but that for me.  My husband and I separated more than a year ago and at the time I had a 12 month old and 3 year old.  I found myself as a stay at home mom in a place of despair trying to navigate the waters of what you think will never happen to you.  The big "D"…….  I needed to find a job, a place to live, childcare for my babies (which was absolutely heart wrenching), and literally find a way to survive and get through.

Today, I can say I am finally settled.  While the last 18 months have been all about huge changes and starting over on so many levels I can finally say that I can breathe (on most days) and feel as if I can now find balance within my new life.  Starting over is not easy, and quite frankly it's quite discouraging and on some days feels downright unfair.

In the last 12 months I have not had the time or quite frankly the energy to work out consistently and the Type A in me has done nothing but beat myself up.  Unfortunately, for a season other things needed to take priority.  I am not where I want to be physically and I need to get back at it!  It has taken a lot of conversations with myself to tell me that I can do this and start over.  I know it will take work, probably more so mentally for myself to fight through any discouragement or challenges along the way, but if I can start over with myself and the boys and accomplish all I have in the last 18 months then I can do anything I put my mind to if I so choose to do so.

Beachbody has literally changed my life.  Not only has it changed my life physically (I lost over 50 lbs doing the programs, coaching and having the accountability using P90X), but it's changed my life mentally.  The daily principal of focusing on personal development and the positive side of life has changed me as a person forever.  For that, I benefit and so does my family.

What is it that you need to start over with?  If you are looking to start over with your health, fitness and nutrition join one of my accountability groups!

Here are 6 things I have learned in my journey of starting over…….


First and foremost, don't question yourself.  Others will do this for you…don't let them rent space in your head.  Kick them out…which leads to….


Look at your "self talk".  What are you telling yourself?  Are you telling yourself "it won't work" or "you can't do it"?  You have full control over your thoughts, change them! Do you have negative people in your life?  Ask yourself WHY?  Get rid of them!  Life is TOO short…..


Let's face it, life isn't easy and when we are trying to achieve a goal in life it's easy for our emotions (and negative self talk) to get in the way.  Push past those.  Write down your goals and stay focused on what you are trying to achieve and refer back to #1.  BELIEVE IN YOU….   


Surround yourself with people who are trying to achieve similar goals and/or who believe in YOU and will give you the encouragement you need.  


Life is way too short to give up on what you want out of it.  Tomorrow is never promised or guaranteed.  Life truly is a gift.  Don't waste it.  There are too many people out there fighting for their lives who wish they could live it.  You never know who you are impacting in a positive way by not giving up.  Others are watching you……inspire them.


We all have choices in life!  We can choose to let life beat us up, drag us down and give up, OR we can choose to pick ourselves up, brush ourselves off, let go of the past and look brightly to the future.  Only YOU can change your future and it starts with making a choice!

What are your goals for 2015?  What do you need to start over?  

"Don't give up at half time.  Concentrate on willing the second half." - Paul Bryant

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